Street Smarts

Every day, we draw on the latest street furniture and urban design thinking from New Zealand and across the globe. Discover how to create unbeatable outdoor spaces that help improve daily lives in a fast-changing world.


Our top 5 ways to improve a communal outdoor space

Choosing the right features and street furniture makes a big difference in the appeal of your outdoor space. Here are our top tips to ensure your park is always filled with happy visitors. 1. Increase green areas Green grassy areas have shown to improve moods, reduce stress and depression, and aid general health as well. […]

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Spotlight: Moonstone park bench

With stone and concrete commercial outdoor seating becoming increasingly popular, the moonstone bench has emerged as a bold statement of what modern decorative benches can be. Shaped like a flat water-skipping stone, this modern bench seat offers a seamless aesthetic appeal and comfortable place to rest. If you’re looking for the perfect centrepiece to complete your outdoor space, […]

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Winning landscape designs

What do a social hotspot and a high-tech business campus have in common? They both showcase a winning combination of clever landscaping and facilities. The 2016 Landscapes Of Distinction Awards saw style, sustainability and design flair come together. And Urban Effects was proud to be involved in two of the standouts: Brickworks Dining Lane and […]

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Using Bamboo in Outdoor Courtyards

Around the world, bamboo is used in a wide range of applications – everything from furniture, craftwork and construction to luxurious clothing, bedding, and cookware. The versatile and fast growing bamboo plant is also an ideal and attractive plant for any outdoor courtyard. Thanks to its low maintenance, durable nature, clumping bamboo makes an excellent […]

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Spotlight: Realgar Bench

The Appeal of Stone What do concrete, marble and granite outdoor stone construction materials all have in common? They are all increasing in value and are deemed as popular stone outdoor furniture alternatives throughout many modern architectural designs. Not only that, but they possess incredible durability in all seasons of the year whilst coming in […]

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Street Spotlight: New York City’s Lowline

The Down Low Taking its name from the groundbreaking “Highline” project in New York (a 2km-long linear park built on a disused, elevated railway section), the Lowline was an ambitious plan to redevelop a one-acre trolley stop and convert it into a below ground park. The site, located beneath New York City’s Lower East Side, […]

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Striking the Balance Between Style and Sustainability

Solar panels and wind farms are generally the first products that spring to mind when we talk about sustainable design, however another way to significantly reduce your carbon footprint is by using eco-friendly building materials. What is sustainable design? Sustainable design relates to the practice of creating products that comply with the principles of ecological […]

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Urban Effects supports active travel for Wellington students

Students at St Anthony’s School in Seatoun were recently awarded a bike rack from Urban Effects for their energetic efforts and travel habits as part of the Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Movin’ March initiative. The school won the WOW Passport Competition which was used to promote safe and active travel to school during the month […]

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What is the Best Street Furniture for a Seafront Promenade?

Street furniture to take in the view Seafront promenades are naturally beautiful locations, allowing pedestrians to appreciate the rolling waves and fresh sea air as they go about their day. The best promenades encourage people to not simply pass by, but stop and drink in the view. Achieving this is all about creative design and […]

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5 considerations for City Councils when installing street furniture

Installing street furniture Street furniture installation can be difficult even when you think you’ve accounted for everything. Here are five easy tips to help you turn your plan into reality. Design When designing your street furniture installation, make sure it’s consistent with the rest of the public space. Consider the types of users likely to […]

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7 benefits of outdoor furniture for schools

The best memories from our school days are often the times we spent outside, whether on excursions, lunch breaks, or sports days. School outdoor furniture makes it possible to both spend more time outside the classroom, and improve the quality of that time. Here are 7 benefits of outdoor furniture for schools: 1.     Learn outside […]

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Cleverly designed street furniture

Street and park furniture is much more than just a place to sit down. Many street furniture designs artistically incorporate concepts and motifs from history and culture. Here are our top three favourite designs from New Zealand. Project Plim Matau Public Furniture was tasked with designing pieces of street furniture that both serve the needs […]

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How to create a sustainable community park

A community park can provide many benefits to the neighbourhood. In addition to beautifying the urban landscape, parks contribute to improved health, reduced crime, social bonding and even better academic performance for children. However, as parks require significant upkeep, it’s important to ensure they are built sustainably, reducing waste and conserving natural resources to continue […]

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