Street Smarts

Every day, we draw on the latest street furniture and urban design thinking from New Zealand and across the globe. Discover how to create unbeatable outdoor spaces that help improve daily lives in a fast-changing world.


Top 5 Takeouts: Create unbeatable outdoor spaces for ‘unprecedented times’

Over the past two years, the ‘great outdoors’ have taken on a whole new meaning – and a starring role in personal and collective resilience. Discover the top takeouts for our clients when it comes to planning (and future-proofing) outdoor spaces for schools and communities. First, the research A recent report from New Zealand’s Department […]

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Gardening in Planter Boxes: A Guide

Planter boxes offer the inclusion of greenery within the built environments that our quickly developing society demands. That’s their beauty – they allow us to reconnect with the natural world where that would usually pose quite a challenge. Looking to incorporate planters into your space, but unsure where to start? Read our guide below, which […]

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Where To Place Hand Sanitiser Stations

Formerly underrated for its effectiveness, hand sanitiser has undoubtedly become society’s saving grace in the last two years. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that hand sanitiser is one of the best tools available to avoid getting sick. It’s transitioned from the overly cautious […]

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The Importance of Recycling & Sustainable Waste Solutions

Currently, New Zealand discards 1.5 million tonnes of waste each year. However, only 28% of this is recycled. This snapshot indicates New Zealand has a long way to go in waste reduction and recovery. With the number of products consumed daily, packaging is constantly straying into our environment, contaminating our beautiful landscapes and waterways, harming […]

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Sustainability will never go out of style

The sustainability movement is growing in momentum, driven by an increasing awareness and understanding that our quality of life now and into the future is dependent on how we care for, and manage our impact, on our environment. A serious, long-term commitment to sustainability from Governments, Councils, businesses and communities in the planning and design […]

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What is ‘tactical urbanism’ and how is it changing our streetscapes?

‘Tactical urbanism’ or ‘guerilla urbanism’ is one of the most exciting trends to hit our streets. Already making an impact in cities around the world, New Zealand cities are embracing the concept. But what is tactical urbanism? Tactical urbanism is the term used to describe ‘urban interventions’ that create more ‘people friendly’ streets and spaces […]

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A Fresh Perspective: 2020’s influence on park and public space design

At the start of 2021, Urban Effects reflects on how the challenges of 2020 have given New Zealanders a fresh perspective on the value of our parks and public spaces. The way we live, work and play has changed, driven by a deeper awareness of the importance of physical and mental health and the factors […]

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5 Of The World’s Most Sustainable Cities

What Does Sustainable City Mean? Sustainable cities offer optimal quality of life to their current residents without reducing the opportunities for future residents to have fulfilling lives and flourish in their environment. These are cities that are designed with considerations for social, economic, and environmental impact, creating a resilient habitat that will continue to prosper […]

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Sustainable Outdoor Furniture

We have seen them all before; old, sun-faded, and dilapidated outdoor furniture that is barely holding itself together. Cheaply made and destined for landfill, it is far too common a sight in the backyards, parks, and common areas of New Zealand and beyond. As New Zealand’s park and street furniture experts, we understand the importance […]

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Healthy Cities & Urban Planning

Across the globe, more and more people are choosing to live in urban areas as opposed to rural areas. Cities and urban areas are attractive to people as they often provide more opportunities for employment, and access to better services such as health and education. On the surface, cities may appear to hold a lot […]

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5 Essential Things Every Public Park Needs

In the world of urban planning, green spaces are an extremely important element. This is especially true here in picturesque New Zealand, where our natural environment is second to none. But what makes a perfect public park? There are some elements that are hard to ignore as being integral to a great green space, as […]

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The Importance of Parks and Open Spaces

The Importance of Parks Perhaps one of the elements of urban planning that are taken for granted most often, recreational areas and parks are important for a vast number of reasons. They provide the opportunity for far-reaching benefits on the health, economy, and natural environment of your local community. If you are wondering why parks […]

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